Sunday, June 23rd
9:00AM - 10:00AM (1 hour)
This Class Already Happened
There is an upcoming session of this class.
LeeAnn's journey into yoga began with her love for dance, where she discovered the meditative harmony of breath, movement, and self-exploration. Her 1200-mile hike on the Appalachian Trail further deepened her meditation practice and reinforced how a dedicated physical journey can lead to spiritual growth.

Drawing from her ballet background, LeeAnn infuses her yoga classes with grace and fluidity, guiding students toward balance and inner peace. She lives in Greenwood Lake, NY, and is a graduate of The Body Art Barn's 200-hour teacher training program. LeeAnn is dedicated to helping her students find calm and self-confidence through yoga.

See LeeAnn's Upcoming Classes
Cancelation Policy
  • Your account must have class credits or an active membership in order to register for a class online.
  • Class credits are deducted from your account immediately upon registration, and won't be available for use in person.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration more than 2 hours before class you will receive your class credit back.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration less than 2 hours before class you will NOT receive your class credit back.
  • If you have an unlimited membership, and do not show up or cancel less than 2 hours before class you will be assessed a $5 cancelation fee or lose a day of your membership (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • Cancelation fees may be automatically drafted from your card on file (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • If you are not checked in 5 minutes before class, your space may be given away to drop in customers waiting for room.
Student Login

New Student or Forgot Password?

This is a new login system, your mindbody credentials will not work here, you might need to register as a new student.